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About Us

As educated individuals, we all question the meaning of being well-informed, and well-taught. What is the point of writing and reporting for journalism? How do we determine the credibility of an author? Can we trust everything that we read? How do we remain open-minded when reading journalistically? What are the benefits of going outside of one’s comfort zone to grow and learn more? Can we ever truly finish learning?
These are all questions that we as the Odyssey Journalism Staff strive to answer and define. As a team, we work together to create the very pinnacle of journalistic writing. As high school students, we are constantly learning more and more about the world, and how we can provide clear, concise, and informative reporting to our audiences. We have gone through everchanging times, what with staff changes, leadership positions being moved around, and tough deadlines. However, we choose to continue growing and evolving as we all change day to day.
Our team works extremely hard to make the best yearbook, literary magazine, articles, reports, and website that we can achieve. Bringing up controversial topics that aren’t spoken of often, highlighting students who are excelling within our unique school environment, and writing on current issues – these are just a few of the aspects that our yearbook and journalism staff do our utmost to achieve.
Please take a moment to look through our articles and interactive elements throughout this website, as we would appreciate your support! Give something that interests you a read, leave a comment on something, interact with a poll, or contact us if you have any questions or comments! To find who to contact, please refer to our Staff Page or any of our socials. If we can get more of a widespread audience, we can achieve what we wish to do: reach as many people as possible, spark some in-depth thinking, and educate individuals on crucial issues we face.