Local High School Districts Light the Night

#bethelightco is a movement created by District Eleven’s Athletic Director, Christopher Noll. The idea of #bethelightco is to spread hope and positivity to the students and family of D11. As you may know, Covid – 19, also known as the coronavirus, is a quickly spreading worldwide pandemic that is sweeping throughout our world. schools have been closed down along with sports and athletics. As we move through these chaotic times we are reminded by our schools that they miss us and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The #bethelightco movement started Monday the 30th of march with only 5 districts involved. As of Tuesday the 31st the very next day, the number increased from five to 12. It then increased to 16 on Wednesday reaching its peak. Because of this virus, all school districts that are involved have turned on their stadium lights as a way of showing gratitude towards their students. It is not easy to stay locked up inside and they know it, so it is a beautiful way to encourage students to not give up and let them know that they are missed.

Along with that, Christopher Noll has challenged every student in d11 to contact one of their dearest family members or friends in kind regards to these struggling times. This may be a way to help relieve stress or exhaustion from being so cooped up. You never know, maybe a friend needs to hear some positivity, too.

“Positivity is more contagious than the coronavirus” said Noll.

Randomly not being able to go outside for some may seem like a nightmare. We all need to come together as a community through these trying times to remind one another the best has yet to come. So please, attempt to make a phone call to someone close, it will make both them and you happy.