Why Do-Rags Should Be Allowed in School
Many schools are fighting for a dress code to endorse do-rags and bandannas which would allow them in schools. While this practice is a hygiene routine for people of color, and wearing do-rags is a part of their culture, many individuals feel that saying the practice is gang related is judgmental.
According to the District 11 website, “The school initiated the dress code rule banning the head gear while students are on school property because it could be seen as reflective of gang cultures.” Do-rags to be gang related – they need to be a specific color, or be used by others.
Darren Dowdy’s, Waves President, father was the first person who invented do-rags for waves, stated “Do-rags are used to keep your hairstyle from moving or messing up.”
Some people that wear do-rags to make their hair lay down and not mess up are named Brandon Ridgeway, 11, and Lyddia Allen, 9.
Ridgeway stated, “The are all types of different color do-rags like red, blue, black, pink, purple, grey, and white. There are also multiple types of do-rags there just isn’t just rap type of do-rags there’s one other called caps.”
Ridgeway continued, “I wear my do-rag 24/7.” There are multiple types of ways that you can wear the do-rags. You can rock the do-rag to the side, in the back, and… is in the front. Do-rags are very reliable because most of the do-rags that I’ve heard about has lasted about 5 years.
Allen stated, “The do-rag was my first love and I’ve had it for about 2 to 3 years.” She wears the do-rag to the side and the back. Allen explained, “I wear the do-rag all the time.” From the time I get home and go to sleep, to the time I wake up. I only wear one color and that’s pink.
All individuals should be concerned about this dress code item, because it is stopping those members of color from honoring their culture. Principals and parents need to be careful when they insist on changes that effect their student body.